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Showing posts from August, 2020

Amazon launches online pharmacy in India

Online retail giant Amazon has launched an internet pharmacy in India, marking its entry into the country's online medicine market. Amazon Pharmacy will make its debut in Bangalore and it may be trialled in other Indian cities. The move comes as the online drugs business has been given a major boost during the coronavirus pandemic. This year US technology giants have invested billions of dollars in the Indian economy. In recent months India has seen billions of dollars of investment by US technology giants. Earlier this year, Amazon's chief executive Jeff Bezos pledged to make major investments in India. Speaking at a company event in New Delhi in January, he said the 21st Century is "going to be the Indian century". Amazon has set ambitious plans for expansion in the world's largest democracy, where it has invested some $6.5bn (£5bn). Like rival US retailer Walmart, it sees major growth potential in the fast-growing economy. In May, Amazon entered India's mea

Massive Explosion Hits Beirut Capital of Lebanon

According to Lebanon National News Agency, it was a fire breaking out at what it called an explosives depot at the port. The explosion which occurred in the afternoon shook several parts of the capital with Local Red Cross reporting hundreds injured while an Associated Press photographer near Beirut’s port said he witnessed people wounded on the ground and widespread destruction in central Beirut. Hospitals is said to be overwhelmed by casualties. It comes at a sensitive time with the country's economic collapse reigniting old tensions. Watch the video here๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡