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Showing posts from January, 2021

Facebook to Block and Ban Donald Trump's account

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken to his Facebook page to announce the blocking and banning of US formal president Donald Trump's Facebook and Instagram accounts. The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.  His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.  Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.  Over the last several years

Woman locked up her daughter for 25 years without light

This is an incredible story about a French socialite Blanche Monnier. Blanche Monnier was a very beautiful young woman.  Born into a family of aristocrats in Paris, France.  Being their only daughter, her family was very protective of her.  In 1876 she fell in love with a lawyer that was not only older than her but broke as well.  Blanche’s mother who did not approve of the relationship developed an intense hatred for the man and demanded that Blanche should end the relationship.  But she had fallen so deeply in love with the man and had set her heart on marrying him. Amid the imbroglio, Blanche vanished.  Nobody in France could tell of her whereabouts.  Her family told anyone who inquired about her that Blanche had passed away — quite suddenly.  Her family mourned her and went on with their daily lives.  Little did anyone know that the Monnier family was hiding a terrible secret. On May 23, 1901, the Office of the Attorney General of Paris received an anonymous letter with the followi