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Amend Your Ways

Listen young ladies,

Some guys sleeping with you see themselves as singles

As they are sleeping with you, they are still searching for who to marry

As they are kissing the hell out of you, they are still finding for who to marry

As they are romancing the sweet out of you, they are still observant, looking for a virtuous lady

They were surprised you allowed them to sleep with you, and so they will begin to assume if you aren't doing it with another

Since you gave them the chance to mesmerize you, they will assume you are giving someone else a chance

There is always much respect given to ladies who are bold to stand like Joseph

Nevertheless, I have good news for you who is in a sexual immoral relationship

Yes, you have messed up
Yes, you have belittled yourself
Yes, you yielded to the sexual pressure

God is still saying,
"Come let's reason together
I have forgiven you, come let's just talk the way forward.
Stop feeling empty,
Stop feeling you are not valuable again
If you can just give me a chance, I will make a queen out of you

You might have done many abortions
You might even have a child
You might be a prostitute
But if you can just come
I will make a wonder out of you

By the time I am through with you, all those who used you and dumped you will feel like they lost a treasure. They will regain their respect for you
And see you as a virtuous woman

Will you let me make you the woman you ought to be?
If yes, then let's get started
My hands are stretched out, allow me to give you the embrace that will change your life
I love you"

Don't miss this opportunity to hand your life back to Jesus
God loves you
I love you too
