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Virginity! Virginity! Virginity!

How many of you has heard this statement 👉 "who will virginity help?"

It is interesting to now see that teenagers have now learnt that language
I mean we now have teens that can't manage what is in-between their legs

What about the youths?
They have so mastered sexual immorality to the extent of having first class as a degree in it

If a university of sexual immorality is opened, I mean you will see youths who won't do exam malpractice
They will pass all the courses
They will even obtain a PhD in it without stress


Because, the devil has empowered them to do evil

Anyway, that's not even the issue I want to share here

The heading reads thus, "I have lost my virginity"

I want to talk to those who can read that heading and say it is true to themselves

Can I talk to you please? 🙏

Hello Aunty, losing your virginity should not make you lose eternity by continuing in sexual immorality

Hello Uncle, losing your virginity shouldn't push you to lose other's virginity

Hello Bro, losing your virginity shouldn't make you say it doesn't matter again

Hello Sister? Losing your virginity shouldn't make you keep your legs open like a goal post

Losing your virginity shouldn't make you continue to live a loosed life

Today, we have people who because they have lost their virginity has continued to live in sexual immorality

Look at what they say 
"I have lost my virginity (maybe through normal sex or rape). What else? My future husband will say am not a virgin when he married me. So, why should I keep myself? 

Since I have been deflowered I can't get it back, why should I keep myself again? Is it not better for me to continue in this sex of a thing? 
Is it not better I continue "enjoying" this sexual pleasure until am ready to settle down? If I keep myself after I have been deflowered, who will it help when the person I will later marry will know that I was not a virgin? Please, let me continue enjoying...."

You see that 👆 kind of thinking?

My brethren, I bring you good news...

Rahab was a prostitute. But when she encountered God, she stopped

Dinah (only daughter of Jacob) was raped. But that didn't push her to be living a loosed life

You have lost your virginity is not a sufficient reason to begin to live a loosed life

Your virginity is no more shouldn't push you to keep swimming in immorality

Because the more you do that, the more you unite your spirit with other spirits

Because the more you do that, the more you lose glorious virtues

Because the more you do that, the more you injure your destiny

Because the more you do that, the more you reduce yourself to a loaf of bread

Yes, you have lost your virginity, but No, you have not lost your eternity if you repent..

Yes, you have lost your virginity, but No, you have not lost your dignity (Losing your virginity is losing your dignity, but keeping yourself after losing your virginity is regaining your dignity. There is no dignity in living a loosed life).

Yes, you have lost your virginity, but No, you haven't lost your Mr and Mrs Right,

Why not surrender to the Lord and move on with Him?

He is not ashamed to walk with those who have lost their virginity

If He can use a prostitute, He can use you

But you need to make a decision now to live for Him and Him alone

You need to make a decision not to open your legs again

You need to decide to henceforth begin to say NO to every sexual temptations

It is only when you decide that the power to overcome will be given to you

Decide now to follow the Lord
Decide now to shun sexual immorality
Decide now to say NO!
Decide now not to allow "lost virginity" keep you in immorality

Will you decide now?

Yes, do it. Make that decision. The Lord will empower you if you decide now

Most importantly, surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ!

Will you?
