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This is one post YOU MUST READ!

Have you ever noticed that there is a Divine Interest on your life? Many have not noticed this because of their insensitivity to the Spirit and their dullness of hearing.

When God needs you, He will do everything possible to get you!

He created the Burning Bush to catch Moses' attention. Even after this, Moses gave several excuses and offered a voluntary resignation from God's invitation, yet God still convinced him to go.

Some of us have seen "burning bush" but we have done nothing afterwards!

Jeremiah also tried to prevail on God that he was too young for God's assignment but God won't take a "No" for an answer. He prevailed on Jeremiah and he became a mighty Prophet of God.

Some youths are still giving God excuses now instead of yielding to Him!

Jacob struggled and wrestled with God but God prevailed. God had earlier said to him, 

And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of." - Gen. 28:15.

When God's divine interest is on you, He will do all to get you! 

Alas, some people are very slippery! They know how to scheme, struggle and escape the Almighty Hand that is meant to make them great.

To you who has been trying all you can to escape and evade God's plan for you, listen to the words of Job...

"He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength: WHO HAS HARDENED HIMSELF AGAINST HIM, AND HAS PROSPERED?" - Job 9:4.

You can't harden yourself against God and prosper. The earlier you surrendered yourself to Him, the better for you and your world.

"May God prevail over you, your plans, thoughts, will and ambition!

Receive grace not to struggle with Him or harden yourself against Him anymore!

I release to you today, the grace to say, "Yes,  Lord!"

Receive grace to submit, surrender and yield yourself to Him and His will for your life!"

A GREAT REVIVAL and AWAKENING is coming! Get ready! I have heard God and I have seen it!!

A great work is about to start for God!
Christ is taking over the whole earth!!
He will use a category of people called "THE REMNANTS"

If you want to be a blessed, walk in the ways of the Lord..
Young people especially!!!
