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"Rapture O Rapture
 Rapture O Rapture
 Rapture is knocking at the door"

I didn't have a revelation about hell fire
I didn't have a revelation about rapture taking place
But I have a persuasion to write this post tonight

I wanted to leave it for another day, but the burden to write it became stronger

Rapture is knocking at the door
It might possibly be knocking at your door

When someone dies, his own personal rapture has taken place. So, this post is beyond the collective rapture of the saint

You might have heard "Jesus is coming soon" many times, and you have gotten tired of it. You now think it's all lies. But you never knew that the "soon" will soon happen

Hello brothers and sisters,
Have you given yourself to doctrines of devils? Doctrines that teaches you to continue sinning, that God loves you? Doctrines that strengthens your flesh, and weaken your spirit?

Have you bought the idea that even though you are fornicating on the day of rapture, that you will be raptured?

Have you accepted the fallacy that once you are saved, you can do as you like?

Instead of reaching out to the lost souls, you are making yourself as one to be reached out to?

Mc Mega

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Wake up. We are saved by grace. And that grace is too powerful to allow you continue messing up. If the grace you encountered is not making you uncomfortable with sin, you encountered something else

Reflect on your life now
Where have you fallen?
This is a time for you to check your relationship with God. Evaluate yourself
Are you rapturable?

Rapture is knocking at the door
Be prepared always
If we are not to prepare, Jesus couldn't have told us to watch for His return
