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£200,000 Lamborghini was wreaked just 20 minutes after picking it up from showroom

Not up to 20 minutes a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder was smashed up on the motorway after the new owner had been handed the keys. The Lamborghini Huracan Spyder which worth £200,000 has been picked 20 minutes away from the showroom before the incident happened.  According to report,  The grey two-seater had stopped on the M1 near Wakefield due to a mechanical failure when another driver plowed into the back of it. ↑ Grab this Headline Animator W est Yorkshire Police shared photos of the damage on Twitter and wrote:   "It’s only a car! “But on this occasion a 20 minute old brand new Lamborghini that stopped due to mechanical failure in lane 3. “Hit from behind by an innocent motorist #couldhavecried.”

China's 600 km/h high-speed maglev completes successful trial run (Photos)

A high-speed maglev test vehicle, with a speed of 600 km/h, successfully conducted its maiden test run on a maglev line at Tongji University in Shanghai on Sunday, marking a new important breakthrough in China's high-speed maglev development .  The testing prototype, which has only one car, can check and optimize the key technologies and core system components of the high-speed maglev system and lay a technological basis for the forthcoming engineering prototype, according to CRRC Qingdao Sifang Co., the train maker headquartered in eastern China's Shandong Province. During Sunday's first trial-run on a maglev test line, more than 200 components, including working conditions of turnouts, small curves and ramps, were analyzed, the company said. The prototype magnetic-levitation train was manufactured in the company's production line in the city of Qingdao, Shandong, in May. Ding Sansan, head of the research and development team and deputy chief engineer of

Three soldiers killed in border clashes between Indian and Chinese soldiers

India  says three of its soldiers have been killed in clashes with the Chinese military on the contested border in the western Himalayas. Indians claims there were casualties on "both sides " while China accused Indian troops of crossing the border line twice resulting in serious physical Confrontation in Galwan Valley in the Himalayas Sources claim there was no gunfire and the Indian soldiers who died were stoned and hit with metal clubs by Chinese troops during a physical fight. A Chinese state newspaper said China's military also suffered casualties, following India's claims that there were casualties on "both sides" during a "violent face-off" on Monday night. They are the first casualties in 53 years to result from a clash between the nuclear-armed neighbours, who have been locked in a stand-off for over a month with both accusing each other of trespassing into the other's territory. Sources claim there was no gunfire and the Indian soldie

Modric insists Mbappe Must swap Ligue 1 for a more competitive league

R eal Madrid star Luka Modric insists Kylian Mbappe must swap Ligue 1 for a more competitive league in order to fulfil his huge potential. Los Blancos remain long-term suitors for the 21-year-old's signature and even came close to securing a transferefore football was suspended. The France striker enjoyed another blistering season with Paris Saint-Germain, scoring 29 goals in 32 games. An d although Mbappe is mooted to link up with compatriot Zinedine Zidane in the Spanish capital, PSG sporting director  Leonard refuted claims he is preparing to let go  o f the World Cup winner. N onetheless, Modric believes Mbappe must leave Ligue 1 to reach the peak of his ability.

US fighter jet crashes off into the North Sea near Middlesbrough

A United States Air Force fighter jet has crashed into the sea during a training exercise off the coast of Middlesbrough, northeast England. A major search operation has been launched off the Yorkshire coastline, after the F-15C Eagle fighter crashed into the North Sea off Flamborough Head this morning. The pilot is yet to be found. The Coastguard has issued a Mayday call for nearby vessels to rush  to the site as rescue boats and helicopters are dispatched to the scene. The plane had been flying in a formation drill, and a statement from the 48th Fighter Wing command confirmed there had been one pilot aboard. Rescuers are searching for the jet from the US Air Force wing based at RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, the statement said. ↑ Grab this Headline Animator

Mother-of-two who survived horrific shooting now lives with her intestines hanging outside her belly (photos)

A mother-of-two, Takieyah Reaves, from Newark, New Jersey, now lives with her intestines hanging out of her abdomen after surviving a horrific nightclub shooting. Reaves, 32, defied death in July 2017 to survive being shot twice on her stomach and right leg by a random attacker who sprayed bullets at a crowd of night clubbers, injuring three people. One of the bullets tore her stomach wide open, and it was a miracle that she survived after undergoing intensive surgery to repair her damaged intestines. After doctors stitched her up, the size of the wound on her stomach made it impossible to close, forcing her to live with a gaping hole on her torso and with the inside of her intestines fully exposed. Her scar looks so big that some people even mistake it for a pregnancy. Takieyah was nursed by her mother Tammi Reaves-Duncan as she recovered, she even entered into depression due to her “deformity.” Takieyah, a criminal justice student, said to Metro UK: ‘It will get patched up properly,


Rapture! "Rapture O Rapture  Rapture O Rapture  Rapture is knocking at the door" I didn't have a revelation about hell fire I didn't have a revelation about rapture taking place But I have a persuasion to write this post tonight I wanted to leave it for another day, but the burden to write it became stronger Friends, Rapture is knocking at the door It might possibly be knocking at your door When someone dies, his own personal rapture has taken place. So, this post is beyond the collective rapture of the saint You might have heard "Jesus is coming soon" many times, and you have gotten tired of it. You now think it's all lies. But you never knew that the "soon" will soon happen Hello brothers and sisters, Have you given yourself to doctrines of devils? Doctrines that teaches you to continue sinning, that God loves you? Doctrines that strengthens your flesh, and weaken your spirit? Have you bought the idea that even though you are fornicating on t

Believers Needs To Be Strong

Demons can't cohabit with Jesus (You can't be possessed as a believer) A believer cannot be possessed by a demon. A believer carries the Holy Spirit inside of him. Jesus is dwelling inside of the believer. How can a demon be comfortable in the same environment with Jesus? Remember from scriptures how they cry at the sight of Jesus? Oh dear, demons know their boundaries. No matter how stupid they are, or hungry to possess someone, when they see a believer, they respect his "inside temple". Why? This is because, their creator is inside of the temple The only thing demons can do to a believer is to torment. And they only torment a believer who is ignorant of his position in Christ Once you are ignorant, you are vulnerable to demonic afflictions ↑ Grab this Headline Animator Believers don't need deliverance from demonic possession. They only need deliverance from ignorance Once you are ignorant of who you are, demons rejoice Just as angels rejoice in heaven over on

Amend Your Ways

Listen young ladies, Some guys sleeping with you see themselves as singles As they are sleeping with you, they are still searching for who to marry As they are kissing the hell out of you, they are still finding for who to marry As they are romancing the sweet out of you, they are still observant, looking for a virtuous lady They were surprised you allowed them to sleep with you, and so they will begin to assume if you aren't doing it with another Since you gave them the chance to mesmerize you, they will assume you are giving someone else a chance There is always much respect given to ladies who are bold to stand like Joseph Nevertheless, I have good news for you who is in a sexual immoral relationship Yes, you have messed up Yes, you have belittled yourself Yes, you yielded to the sexual pressure But, God is still saying, "Come let's reason together I have forgiven you, come let's just talk the way forward. Stop feeling empty, Stop feeling you are not valuable again

Lucid Dream

Lucid Dream  is when someone is dreaming and he or she is aware that they  are dreaming  and then having the power to take control of that dream. .. Lucid Dream has three elements namely: 1. Dejavu. 2. Sleep paralysis.  and 3. Astral projection.  1.) Dejavu - Dejavu is another part of lucid dreaming which gives you an access to travel through 5th dimension and allows you to see your future.  That's because you already saw this phenomenon before through Dejavu.  The thing is you are not able to control it before or maybe this is something unusual. But once you learned to control it, believe me, this will really help you to avoid things that will put your life in danger.  2.) Sleep Paralysis - Sleep paralysis also known as baphomet. It is a type of lucid dream that makes you paralyzed after dreaming or sometimes you know that you are just dreaming but even you try to shout, move your body or speak, the only thing that you can do is to move your eyes and think on what's happenin